Invert the obvious, Remove the fog, Demystify the english

Welcome to The Financial Churn

The Financial Churn is a personal blog and an educational effort to promote a culture of Long Term Equity investing & awareness among regular readers.

We often hear that equities are the best performing asset class but ironically most have burnt their fingers investing in the markets, even in the top names. Why is that ?  

We will explore methods, approaches , biases and attempt to move them towards healthy practices which will better our efforts towards wealth creation.  
Through my writings, I will share my views on investing approaches, economic environment, the wisdom of people who have influenced me and of those, who have been significantly successful in the market.

This blog aims solely at long term investing bent and will not benefit anyone who is either a trader, technical analyst.

These will be absolutely unbiased & neutral points of view, which may help make us better investors.